Do you feel like there must be a better way to truly live instead of merely exist?


This is your DIVINE SELF bringing you the awareness that you were meant to feel energized, loved, confident and worthy to live and enjoy life from a place where you radiate calmness, certainty, clarity, and joy.

Join me for a few hours where I will be sharing with you how the disconnection started and how to reconnect again with your TRUE SELF.

Mindset Mentor, Systemic Coach and Family


​I'm passionate about helping healthcare workers and other professionals reconnect with themselves to create a meaningful and balanced life. ​


Why do I do this?

Around 10 years ago I was stuck in a rut...

While I’d achieved my goals of becoming a qualified nurse and buying my own apartment at the age of 23, I had no time to enjoy my own place, myself and to enjoy life.

I spent most days crying at home after work. I was beyond mentally tired and overwhelmed.

The weight of guilt started to get heavy. I wanted to feel energised at work, for my family, and for myself but I couldn’t. I was, unfortunately, putting far too much pressure on myself.

I was also held back by limiting beliefs, assumptions, and unrealistic expectations, like:

  • A nurse is “supposed” to be happy and healthy all the time
  • Nurses are care-providers, not -receivers
  • Asking for help as a nurse makes you “weak”

All the stress made me ill. I developed gut issues that often caused serious pain and discomfort during my shifts. But what was I supposed to do? We were understaffed, and I had patients to heal and co-workers to support.

Eventually, I started to ask myself…how can I do better? How can I make myself healthier, happier, and more fulfilled, so that I could take better care of my patients? What could I do to start truly living, instead of merely existing?

The answer hit me like a ton of bricks, and the journey began when I decided to change my own life.

Almost 8 years ago I moved to Australia to pursue my dreams of learning English, however, I learned much more than just another language... I went through a very deep and profound self-discovery journey... where I reframed and connected pieces of myself that were disconnected and lost… after that everything started to unfold...

I had the pleasure to study for almost 3 years Bob Proctor's leadership program which gave me a clear understanding of how I was creating my results in life, and other teachings by Dr Joe Dispenza, Bert Hellinger.

I became aware of my resilience, my potential, and my faith which have been the most precious source for me to be alive and to give life to my heart's desire!

I felt the joy that it's to be ME!! ​

Now, I’m delighted to be sharing my secrets with YOU!